1955 Other Makes Bantam (1955)
BSA Bantam D1This beautiful original BSA was brought to the US in 2000.It was registered in the State of Virginia. (has Virginia Title)It was registered as a 1952 (engine #'s and frame #'s show it to be a 1955) From 2000 to 2013 this was a regular week-end rider. Runs, stops, shifts fantastic.The return spring on the kick start broke and needs to be replaced.2016-11-02 04:36:39Walnut, California, United States64600 -
1955 Other Makes Bantam (1955)
Seems Very Original Bike,,,,Just Bought It from California; But I'm a Vespa Guy and It's Not My Style or Knowledge!! Rode It well on the First Day, Now, It Stars,But the Clutch Became Loose and It Will Not Engage!! No Experienced on This Type or Model, May Be Something Easy to Fix; But I Decided to Passing it to Someone with More Experience on It!!!2016-12-10 04:36:22Kissimmee, Florida, United States64,500.00